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DEFRA: SPS 2014 exchange rate and basis to be used for BPS 2015 confirmed

DEFRA has confirmed that the euro exchange rate to be applied to 2014 SPS payments will be €1 = £0.77730, being the last exchange rate set by the European Central Bank in September 2014. Historically the exchange rates have been:-

2013 scheme €1 = £0.83605

2012 scheme €1 = £0.79805

2011 scheme €1 = £0.86665

2010 scheme €1 = £0.85995

2009 scheme €1 = £0.90930

2008 scheme €1 = £0.79030

2007 scheme €1 = £0.69680

2006 scheme €1 = £0.67770

2005 scheme €1 = £0.68195

DEFRA has also confirmed that from BPS 2015 Scheme year, the euro exchange rate used will be based on the average of the European Central Bank rates throughout September, rather than only being based on the final day of September as is the case now.

Source: CAAV 1st October 2014.

For further information on the Basic Payment Scheme, please contact Lucinda Riddell tel: 01748 829210.

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