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GSC Grays - Property Estates Land

Changes to Nitrate Vulnerable Zone (NVZ) Boundaries

The NVZ boundaries have been updated after a review of polluted and vulnerable watercourses across the U.K.

The results of of the review are available to view via the link at the end of this article.

For those who’s land drains into the Humber, a notification will be issued on the 20th January.  Those within the River Dee catchment should have received notifications issued on the 3rd January. Should your land now be designated, it is possible to challenge the designation, but only within the first 28 days after the notice has been sent.

Landowners and occupiers alike can challenge the designation if your land either doesn’t drain to water that’s polluted, or drains into water that shouldn’t be classified as polluted. Challenges to the designation can be made through an appointed agent or by calling the Environment Agency.

More information on how to appeal can be found at

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