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The Government is committed to planting 11 million trees during this parliament and there are number of ways they are helping to facilitate this:
Countryside Stewardship (CS)
Applying for the Woodland Creation Grant
Countryside Stewardship is supporting well designed woodlands that will deliver biodiversity, improved water quality and reduce the risks of floods. The Woodland Creation grant is currently open to support this through scoring and targeting to supporting new woodland in the right places, and provides a range of benefits alongside delivering good value for money for our grants. Please click here for an application form and guidance.
Woodland Management Planning Grant
The government have identified bringing more woodlands into sustainable management as a priority. Applications for Woodland Management Plans are now open and will remain open all year round for support to produce a UK Forestry Standard compliant woodland management plan. This simple grant provides support to produce a plan using a Forestry Commission template. A plan – once approved by the Forestry Commission:
Grants Available Outside of Countryside Stewardship
Woodland Creation Planning Grant WCPG)
Woodland Creation Planning Grant (via the Forestry Innovation Fund) supports information gathering and planning of larger scale (>30ha) woodlands to help ensure high quality design and that they meet the requirements of the UK Forestry Standard.
Woodland Carbon Fund (WCF)
Woodland Carbon Fund is a simple grant scheme to support the planting of large-scale (>30 ha with a minimum block size of 10 ha), predominantly productive woodlands which, where possible, have sought opportunities to improve public access and achieve wider environmental outcomes in line with the UK Forestry Standard.
Woodland Carbon Code
Registration with the Woodland Carbon Code is compatible with and can provide additional funding for Countryside Stewardship or Woodland Carbon Fund creation schemes. Early registration is recommended.
Which Scheme Do I Choose? CS, WCPG or WCF?
In summary:
Countryside Stewardship (CS) supports woodland creation within integrated schemes – focussing on water quality, flood alleviation and biodiversity objectives. It is suitable for both large and small–scale schemes and where ongoing annual maintenance payments are required.
Woodland Creation Planning Grant (WCPG) is a UK government funded scheme (not part of Countryside Stewardship) to support the development of large scale schemes (over 30ha) and proposals need to show potential to benefit the forestry sector in the long-term through the provision of timber or other wood products.
Woodland Carbon Fund (WCF) is a stand-alone, Government-funded (i.e. not part of the EU’s Rural Development Programme) scheme to support outcomes of carbon sequestration and enhanced natural capital benefits being realised through public access. Applications must meet UK Forestry Standards but there is more scope for species selection to meet commercial outcomes than in CS and design for timber production (and carbon sequestration) is encouraged.
For further advice and information please contact: [team-member name=”Edward Staveley”]
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