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2015 Payments
Following months of work on the new BPS scheme the extended BPS hand in deadline of the 15th June 2015 has now passed. Focus will now turn to when payments will be made. The BPS 2015 payment window opens on 1st December 2015. Under SPS many farmers had got used to and planned their cash flows on being paid by this date. Defra’s Farming Minister, George Eustice has stated that the “vast majority” of payments should be made by the end of January 2016. To achieve this, the RPA will need the validation of claims to progress quickly.
It is therefore important that any queries raised by the RPA via letter, email or telephone with BPS applicants are answered quickly to help assist the RPA in validating claims in a timely manner.
2016 BPS Applications
It is important not to lose sight of your 2016 BPS claim. We are now starting to meet with clients to discuss their 2015 / 2016 cropping prior to harvest to ensure that they meet the Greening Requirements in readiness for their 2016 BPS claim which will need to be submitted by midnight on 15th May 2016.
This then gives applicants time to make any changes to their land and order seed etc prior to the 2015/2016 crops being sown.
We will no doubt receive updates in the coming months from the RPA as to how the on line system will roll out for 2016 and any amendments that are made to the scheme rules.
Cross Compliance – GAEC7 Hedge Cutting
The RPA has announced that if a farmer needs to drill Oil Seed Rape or Temporary Grass to a field, it is possible to apply to the RPA for a derogation in respect of the hedge cutting ban. Under GAEC 7 (hedge cutting) you cannot cut hedgerows until after 31st August, this was extended from 31st July.
To make use of the derogation, a farmer needs to apply to the RPA clearly stating the claimants name, address, SBI and the field numbers and the crop to be drilled in each of the affected fields. If the RPA approves the application, the farmer should then be able to cut back parts of the hedge(s) that he may then not be able to access once the crop is established. The RPA aim to respond within 15 working days, therefore do not leave such a request to the last minute.
The RPA have confirmed that requests can be made via a letter posted to RPA, PO Box 69, Reading, RG1 3YD or via email to The correspondence should be clearly marked “Cross Compliance Derogation”.
No work should be carried out until written confirmation has been received from the RPA. Cross Compliance penalties will be applied if works are carried out without a derogation being granted.
Please do not hesitate to contact a member of the BPS Team below to talk through any queries.
For further updates please keep an eye on our website or email to register to receive further updates via email.
[team-member name=”Lucinda Riddell”]
[team-member name=”Phil Scott-Priestley”]
[team-member name=”Will Parker”]
[team-member name=”John Wallis”]
[team-member name=”Alexander Morrison”]
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