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BPS 2019 exchange rate set

The euro exchange rate for calculating the BPS 2019 payments was set yesterday (30 September) and will be €1 = £0.89092.

The previous year’s exchange rates for BPS were:

BPS 2018: €1 = £0.89281
BPS 2017: €1 = £0.89470.

The rate is an average of the European Central Bank exchange rates that were set in September.

The RPA will make full payments on BPS 2019 claims later this year, with funds being directly made into bank accounts by BACS transfer.

Please contact our GSC Grays Rural Team if you need any help or advice on completing BPS claims.


[team-member name=”Robert Sullivan”]                    [team-member name=”James Severn”]

[team-member name=”Greg Ricketts”]                        [team-member name=”Holly Story”]

[team-member name=”Simon Manthorpe”]

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