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A Change in the Wind – the Return of Onshore Wind Farms

On Monday 2nd March, the UK Government made a decision to support new onshore wind farm developments.

A few years ago, Government Ministers withdrew a minimum price guarantee for electricity from wind power, leaving developers to compete in the uncertain world of fluctuating energy prices. This decision was mainly driven by campaigners who were upset by the visual impact of wind turbines in their communities.  

Investors lost confidence in the industry and new developments gradually came to a halt.  

Now though, the Government has reversed its decision and will allow any newly planned wind farms to bid in a series of auctions for a guaranteed minimum electricity price.   

Ministers have been careful not to open the flood gates to new developments. There will also be proposals on engagement with local communities and in order to get planning consent, a windfarm developer will have had to engage with and gain the support of the local community.

It may take some time for developers and investors to fully review the Government’s proposals and develop the confidence needed to start investing in onshore windfarms once again, but this could be a turning point for the industry. 

If you have been approached by a developer looking for an energy scheme on your land, or if you feel your land might be suitable for a development, please get in touch with us, we will be happy to help.  

[team-member name=”Chris Thyer”]

[team-member name=”Calum Gillhespy”]

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