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Environmental Services

A GSC Grays Sector

Environment & Sustainability

We work with farmers, foresters, and land managers to optimise land use and support the sustainable management of the natural environment. We can provide targeted advice on the opportunities for public and private funding for environmental enhancement in your region and open doors for you to generate new revenue streams from your natural assets.

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Environment & Sustainability

Shaping hte landscape Northumberland

Environmental Consultants

Shaping the future of the landscape

GSC Grays combine decades of experience in land management, agriculture and rural property, with a commitment to remain at the cutting edge of emerging opportunities for landowners and farmers.

One of these areas of opportunity is environmental management. We have specialist consultants with expertise in natural capital accounting, habitat management, forestry and planning and development, along with the practical knowledge of farming and sporting interests that is required to make environmental initiatives on private land a success.

Natural Capital & Environmental Reviews

Unlocking the value

If you are considering how best to take advantage of emerging markets for environmental services or new grant schemes, then an environmental review could help you to identify the most suitable opportunities for your farm or rural estate. Whether you are interested in a full Natural Capital audit or reviewing the land use on your holding to maximise returns, we can help you to design and conduct a review at the scale and level of detail that you require to make well-informed decisions about your future management.

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We design and deliver environmental schemes that produce optimal results for the environment and for your land and business.

Rolling hills

Environmental Stewardship & Land Management Schemes

Optimising land use

GSC Grays have decades of experience in piloting, planning and delivering agri-environment schemes for farmers and landowners across a huge range of sectors and locations, including Higher Level Stewardship, Mid and Higher Tier Countryside Stewardship and the new Environmental Land Management scheme (ELM).

We design and deliver environmental schemes that produce optimal results for the environment and for your land and business. Our consultants are experienced in working with Natural England and the Rural Payments Agency and balancing multiple, at times conflicting, interests, including farming, sporting, public access, grazing and commons. We offer a full range of services to support new or existing stewardship schemes, from designing applications to project managing capital works programmes.

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Biodiversity Net Gain

Balancing the impact

The principal of ‘Biodiversity Net Gain’, set out in the Environment Bill, requires developers not just to offset any biodiversity that is lost as a consequence of developing land, but to deliver a net gain in biodiversity of at least 10%. We expect this new requirement to create a demand for ‘offsetting’ sites where habitats can be restored or created to deliver biodiversity gain and we are working closely with local authorities, land owners and developers to monitor and develop the market for biodiversity offsetting in our region.

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Pioneering a natural capital approach to land management

Featured Case Study

Pioneering a natural capital approach to land management

GSC Grays are working with Sir Edward Milbank and farmers from Barningham Estate on a pioneering project to help shape the design of the new Environmental Land Management scheme.

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