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A GSC Grays Service

Estate & Land Management

As a modern business with traditional values, we offer professional, practical and discreet advice that you can rely on.



Estates, Farms & Land

Estate & Land Management

David Gray

Estate Management

Trusted Advisors

We are proud to have long term relationships with our clients that can span generations, reflecting the trust that we build with the businesses we work with.

We know that our clients require a focused and carefully tailored approach to ensure that the professional services we deliver exactly match their needs.

Our experienced team of advisors provide comprehensive estate and property management services through both resident and non-resident agents, including sporting and residential management. We have management responsibilities across County Durham, Yorkshire, Northumberland, and Cumbria.

We have the expected expertise which comes with a lifelong involvement in the uplands.

Landlord & tenant advice

The importance of the landlord and tenant relationship

Our surveyors understand the importance of a good relationship between landlord and tenant. We have a detailed understanding of landlord and tenant law in the agricultural, commercial, and residential sectors, enabling us to advise effectively on your rights and obligations as a landlord. The expert, timely advice we provide could pre-empt and avoid disputes, and help you to navigate complex circumstances.

The professional services we offer include preparing written tenancy agreements, conducting rent reviews, managing consents for assignments, improvements and ancillary issues, lease renewals or extensions, and end of tenancy claims.

Tractor Ploughing

Farm Management

In-hand farming that delivers

GSC Grays provide an effective and comprehensive farm management service. Our dedicated Farm Business Consultancy Team is renowned for its technical and business management expertise, and our consultants can advise on the best business structure for delivering your farming objectives, whether that is contract farming, share farming, or a completely in-hand farming enterprise.

As the landowner, you are able to choose your level of involvement in the business and retain control over the long-term objectives and direction for the business. With our experienced consultants managing the day-to-day running of the farm, you can be confident that the business is run efficiently, profitably, and is comparable to the best performing farms in the sector. We will liaise with employees or contractors, monitor performance, and provide you with regular updates.

The breadth of our in-house expertise also enables us to deliver specialist services such as agronomy, marketing advice, environmental management, or budget preparation, meaning you can benefit from specialist advice that is sensitive and integrated with your wider business objectives.

Residential Lettings

Professional property management

Ever-changing Government legislation and the necessity for regular inspections and safety checks are making the management of residential let property increasingly demanding and time-consuming. Without efficient management, it is easy for let property to become un-economical.

Our full management service removes the burden of day-to-day property management and gives you access to the expertise you need to stay ahead of your statutory requirements. Our residential management team liaise directly with tenants, arranging inspections, addressing maintenance issues, collecting rent, and managing tenancy renewals.

If you so require, we can also make suggestions for property improvements, review rents, or assist with end of tenancy deposit disputes. The experience and efficiency of our team means that we can provide these services in a cost-effective manner, so that you can enjoy an income from your property, in the confidence that it is being professionally managed.

Cottage Barningham
Heather Moorland


Exceptional knowledge

GSC Grays have a wealth of experience and a proven track record in the creation, management, and enhancement of sporting enterprises on a number of internationally renowned estates and syndicates.

Our knowledge of both upland and lowland shooting enables us to work with clients across the North of England, managing some of the most exceptional shoots in the country. We understand the mechanics of sporting estates, from the economics of the shooting enterprise to the requirements for staff training and balancing the needs of farmers, commoners, landowners, and government bodies. We also maintain a detailed knowledge of the ever-changing legislative and regulatory requirements that apply to shooting and moorland management.

Whether we are providing consultancy advice or a full sporting management service, the priority is always to understand and focus on your targets and aspirations for the shoot. We will work with your keepers to deliver on your objectives and run a well-balanced, productive, and cost-effective sporting enterprise.


Maximising returns

GSC Grays manage and advise on over one thousand acres of woodland on farms and estates across Northern England. Working closely with the landowner, farm tenants, forestry contractors and the Forestry Commission, we can manage your forestry works from designing schemes through to restocking and on-going management.

Maximising returns from forestry is about more than marketing timber, we can advise on how to recoup costs and generate profit from established and emerging markets including biomass and carbon trading.

Forestry Work

Strategic business reviews & planning

Professional comprehensive reviews

In the current climate of change in rural communities, obtaining a professional, and comprehensive review of a business at a strategic level is invaluable.

We are experienced in carrying out business reviews and asset appraisals for estates and rural businesses. By providing an objective assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of your business, we can help you to identify and prioritise opportunities for change and advancement.

The circumstances that give rise to a review, or succession and taxation planning, may be sensitive; our professional, considered approach and our strong relationships with other rural professionals enable us to deliver a comprehensive service in an efficient, timely and discreet manner. We can equip you with the information and insight that you need to take your business forward in a way that reflects your values and your aspirations for the future.

Compulsory Purchase

Trusted representation

If your land is affected by compulsory purchase, then taking early professional advice is invaluable. Our experienced surveyors will guide you through the full acquisition process, from preparing pre-entry records to negotiating your compensation claim. We will help you to work through the implications of the compulsory purchase for your property and business, including tax issues, and ensure that you are advised of your rights and options.

We understand that the compulsory purchase process can be difficult; we will give you the considered, professional support and trusted representation you need to navigate it.

Unless there are exceptional circumstances, the fees associated with professional representation will be paid for by the acquiring authority.

Trusted Advisors
Rural Diversification

Grant Schemes

Timely advice on grant funding

As the UK moves away from EU models of funding and rural development, new domestic grants schemes will be launched to support UK farming and rural businesses. Grant funding can provide critical support for businesses seeking to expand, diversify or improve productivity, but questions of eligibility, funding levels or timescales can be complex.

GSC Grays are committed to staying abreast of emerging policies and schemes so that we can offer you the timely advice on grant funding to support your business and help you to prepare a successful application.

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GSC Grays


GSC Grays are experts in rural land and property. You can find all the information you need about the sectors that we specialise in, from estate agency to environmental management. We are here to help you to achieve your goals for your rural property, business, farm or estate, today and for generations to come.

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